
Notes on developing tailon, the front-end asset build flow and a list of long-standing TODOs.


Generating tailon’s front-end assets requires bower, webassets, invoke and autoprefixer. Everything can be installed by running the following commands in the repository root:

$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
$ npm install

Front-end assets

Tailon’s asset pipeline uses bower, webassets and several invoke tasks that tie them together. The tree structure of relevant files is as follows:

. <root>
|-- bower_components/   # 'bower install' download location (git ignored)
|-- bower.json          # list of pinned front-end requirements
|--            # build configuration (uses the invoke tool)
|-- webassets.yaml      # asset pipeline configuration
`-- tailon/assets
    |-- fonts/
    |-- gen/
    |-- js/
    |-- scss/
    `-- vendor/

Bower is used to fetch tailon’s front-end dependencies. When bower install is ran in the root of the project, the assets listed in bower.json are downloaded to the bower_components directory.

With the help of the inv collectstatic task, all source files in bower_components are copied to tailon/assets/vendor. Note that unlike bower_components, this directory is committed to git.

Running inv webassets generates the files in inv tailon/assets/gen. These are the assets that end up in the tailon source distribution that is uploaded to PyPi. The rules that govern the asset pipeline are defined in webassets.yaml. In short, the following transformations are applied:

tailon/assets/scss/*    --> compile,minify   --> tailon/assets/gen/main.css
tailon/assets/vendor/*  --> jsmin            --> tailon/assets/gen/3rdparty.js
tailon/assets/Main.js   --> rmconsole,jsmin  --> tailon/assets/gen/js/Main.min.js

The tailon/assets/Main.js file is generated from the typescript sources in tailon/assets/js. The process is handled by the compile_typescript task.

The assets links find their way into the templates/base.html template through the webassets --replace task. It simply replaces the html between the WEBASSETS CSS and WEBASSETS JS placeholders with the links to the compiled, minified and concatenated scss and js files. For example:

<link rel='stylesheet' href='{{root}}assets/gen/main.css'>
<script src='{{root}}assets/gen/3rdparty.js'></script>
<script src='{{root}}assets/gen/main.js'></script>

You may also want to skip the minification and concatenation steps with the --debug option.

Development data

You may use the inv logsim_start and in logsim_start tasks to generate random logfiles that you can monitor with tailon.


  • I just want to make a small change to the frontend code or styles. What do I do?

    Modify the typescript or scss files in tailon/assets and run:

    # Compile and minify SCSS; Concatenate and minify JS.
    $ inv webassets --replace
    # Without minifying and concatenating JS (usefuly for debugging).
    $ inv webassets --replace --debug
  • Adding or updating a third-party dependency:

    # Run after adding the dependency to the bower.json file.
    $ bower install
    $ inv collectstatic  # Copies from bower_components to tailon/assets/vendor.
    $ inv webassets --replace --no-expire


  • There are still parts of the UI that haven’t been implemented.
  • Fix styling issues related to selectize.
  • Visual/Audible alarms on log activity.
  • Interface themes.
  • Improved windows support.
  • Investigate the use of seccomp on Linux for unsafe commands.
  • Handling of different tool versions (i.e. GNU awk vs BSD awk).